
LF Working mode

The questions which should be answered during this evaluation:

  • How can we organize teams in here?
  • How can community members and team members collaborate?
  • What makes decisions final?
  • What kind of documentation would be needed to give everyone an insight to our processes?
  • Who's in favor of the solution
  • Anything else?


  • baschny Core Developer

    I am not sure that this is meant to be a "discussion forum". Of course we have to evaluate how we will want to use this platform first by gaining some experience, but I would rather recommend that proposals cannot be a set of "questions to be discussed" but should be a concrete proposal that needs legitimation. We have "enough" discussion platforms already, and this should not be "just one more platform for discussing".

    But for us to know how to use the features we need of course first to experiment with them and learn the terms and "how-to" work with them.

    So a "draft" like Robert's "Leadership" Document would be a candidate for a "proposal" which for a consensus could be put up for legitimation through this platform (instead of collecting "+1" through the mailing lists.

    I would think of this platform as a "Gerrit for non code-related decisions".

    • tolleiv Core Developer

      Right ... just wanted to write something and that was the only stuff I could think of ;)

      • francois Core Developer

        Well, it was good to write this down somewhere anyway ;-) but I agree with Ernesto's statement.

  • Joey ist dafür

    Exactly - this is NOT a discussion forum, but a voting tool that gives you the opportunity to explain your votes - discussions should still happen on the appropriate lists.

    But the voting doesn't seem to work correctly - I voted in favour but the result is still 0:1


    1. Sie können einen Vorschlag unterstützen oder ablehnen.

    2. Und ihn in Ihre Beobachtungsliste aufnehmen.

    3. Informationen über den Vorschlag einsehen...

    4. ...Schlagworte für diesen Vorschlag hinzufügen...

    5. ...oder den Vorschlag mit anderen per Facebook, Google+ oder Twitter teilen.

    6. Kommentare können Sie nicht nur bewerten...

    7. ...sondern auch dazu verfasste Antworten einsehen...

    8. ...selbst eine Antwort zu einem Argument schreiben...

    9. ... und neue Argumente einbringen.

    10. Oder aktiv den Vorschlag mitgestalten und Alternativen einbringen.